When it comes to carp fishing, finding clear spots in the lake can make a big difference in your success. Clear spots are areas of the lake where there is little to no weed or other vegetation, making it easier to present your bait and attract the carp. However, finding these clear spots can be a challenge, especially if you are unfamiliar with the lake or the area you are fishing in.

One way to find clear spots is to climb a tree or use a drone to get a bird’s eye view of the lake. From above, you can often see areas of the lake where the water is clear and free of weeds. These areas may be caused by underwater features such as gravel bars, drop-offs, or other changes in the lake bottom. Once you have identified these areas, you can use a marker float to mark the spot and cast your bait directly onto it.

Identifying Clear Spots


When it comes to carp fishing, finding clear spots can be a game-changer. Clear areas are where the carp feel safe and comfortable, and where they are likely to feed. Here are some ways to identify clear spots:

Using Marker Floats

Marker floats are an essential tool for finding clear spots. By casting out a marker float, you can map the lakebed and identify areas of clear gravel, hard gravel spots or silt. You can also use the marker float to determine the depth of the water, which is essential for setting up your rig.

Observation and Patrolling

Observation and patrolling are essential to finding clear spots. By walking around the lake and observing the surface of the water, you can identify areas of foam, which can indicate the presence of carp. You can also look for basking carp and feeding areas. Polaroids can be used to see beneath the surface of the water and identify clear spots.

Understanding Lakebed Features

Understanding lakebed features is crucial for finding clear spots. Carp prefer areas with cover, such as trees, bushes, and snags, which can provide sanctuary. Channels and snags can also be good areas to find clear spots. Weed is another essential feature to consider, as it can provide oxygen and natural food sources for the carp.

Safety Considerations

Safety should always be a top priority when identifying clear spots. Avoid fishing near other anglers and always be aware of the surroundings. When fishing in weedy waters, using a boat can be a safer option for landing fish.

Using Technology

Technology can be a useful tool for finding clear spots. Fishfinders can help identify the presence of fish, and underwater cameras can provide a picture of the lakebed. Vibrations can also be used to identify areas of hard gravel spots.

Natural Food Sources

Understanding the carp’s natural food sources can help you find clear spots. Carp are attracted to areas with natural food sources, such as bream beds, silkweed, and gravel spots.

Carp Behaviour

Understanding carp behaviour is essential for finding clear spots. Carp prefer areas where they feel safe and comfortable, such as areas with cover or clear spots.

Clearing Techniques

Clearing techniques can be used to create clear spots in weedy waters. Effort should be made to clear thick weed to create clear areas where the carp can feed.

Fishing in Weeds

Fishing in weed can be challenging, but it can also be rewarding. Using particle baits, such as hemp and particles, can be effective in weedy waters. Pop-ups and bottom baits can also be used to fish in weed.

Baiting Strategies

Baiting strategies can be used to attract carp to clear spots. Particle baits and pop-ups can be used to attract carp to the area.

Rigging Techniques

Rigging techniques can be used to present bait effectively on clear spots. Chod rigs and stiff links can be effective in weedy waters. PVA bags can also be used to present bait effectively.

Tackle Selection

Tackle selection is crucial for fishing clear spots. A rod with a sensitive tip can help detect bites, and a lead that lays flat on the lakebed can help with line lay. Tight lines can also help detect bites.

Casting Techniques

Casting techniques can be used to present bait effectively on clear spots. A straight lead can be used to cast accurately, and casting to range can help place bait in the right area. Thumping the lead can also help create vibrations that can attract carp to the area.

By using these techniques, anglers can identify clear spots and increase their chances of catching carp. Remember to always be aware of safety considerations and to fish responsibly.



In conclusion, finding clear spots when carp fishing can be a challenging task, but it is also an essential aspect of the sport. Anglers need to put in the effort to locate these spots, as they can significantly increase their chances of catching carp.

One effective method of finding clear spots is by using a marker float and feature finding lead. This allows anglers to identify underwater features such as gravel bars, silt plateaus, and clear areas in weedy lake beds. By casting around the swim and feeling for the ‘donk’ of the lead hitting the lakebed and dragging over gravel, anglers can locate clear spots where carp are likely to feed.

Another useful technique is to have the lead running on the mainline and tie the float to the end of the mainline. This helps to identify and mark a suitable casting spot, ensuring that anglers are always casting from the same place.

Overall, finding clear spots requires patience and persistence. Anglers should not be discouraged if they are not successful on their first attempt. With practice and experience, they will become more confident and knowledgeable in their ability to locate clear spots when carp fishing.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I locate clear areas for carp fishing in weedy lakes?

Finding clear areas in weedy lakes can be a challenge, but there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of success. One method is to use a marker float and feature finding lead. This involves casting out the lead and allowing it to sink to the bottom, then reeling it in slowly while feeling for any changes in the terrain. When you find a clear area, mark it with the float so you can cast to the same spot later.

How do I find features that carp are likely to be around?

Carp are often found around features such as weed beds, drop-offs, and gravel bars. To locate these features, you can use a marker rod to cast out and feel for changes in the bottom. Another technique is to use a fish finder to locate underwater structures and features. Once you have located a feature, mark it with a float so you can cast to the same spot later.

What is a Gardner Bolt Bomb and how can it help me find clear spots?

A Gardner Bolt Bomb is a lead weight with a unique shape that allows it to glide over weed beds and other obstacles without getting snagged. This can be useful for finding clear spots in weedy lakes, as you can cast the Bolt Bomb out and reel it in slowly while feeling for any changes in the bottom. When you find a clear spot, mark it with a float so you can cast to the same spot later.

How can a marker rod assist me in finding clear spots for carp fishing?

A marker rod is a specialized fishing rod that is designed for locating underwater features and structures. To use a marker rod, you attach a lead weight to the line and cast it out, then reel it in slowly while feeling for changes in the bottom. When you find a clear spot, mark it with a float so you can cast to the same spot later.

What are some tips for using a fishing mag to locate clear spots for carp fishing?

A fishing mag, or fishing magazine, can be a great resource for finding clear spots in weedy lakes. Look for articles or tips on how to locate underwater structures and features, and try out the techniques described. You can also use fishing forums and social media groups to connect with other anglers and learn from their experiences.

How can I identify carp holes and use them to my advantage when fishing?

Carp holes are areas where carp have dug out depressions in the bottom of the lake. These areas can be productive fishing spots, as carp often congregate in them to feed. To locate carp holes, you can use a marker rod or fish finder to feel for changes in the bottom. Once you have located a carp hole, mark it with a float so you can cast to the same spot later.