Hey there, fellow carpers! As someone who has spent countless hours chasing carp and learning their behaviour, I want to share my five ultimate tips for carp fishing success. I’ve been fishing for over 20 years in the UK and across to France. These tips have helped me hook into some monster carp and enjoy memorable fishing experiences. So, let’s dive right in!

1. Location is Key: Trust Your Instincts

When it comes to carp fishing, finding the right location is crucial. Trust your instincts and look for signs of carp activity. I often keep an eye out for jumping fish, bubbling or fizzing on the surface, or even the presence of feeding birds. These are indicators that carp might be nearby. Don’t be afraid to explore different spots and try different areas of the lake until you find where the carp are hiding.

Top tip: On clear lakes look for murky water, especially in the winter, the fish will always show you where they are eventually! 

2. Patience Pays Off: Give it Time

Carp fishing requires patience, my friends. Once you’ve found a promising spot, give it time. Settle in and let the fish come to you. Carp can be cautious creatures, so it may take a while for them to feel confident enough to take your bait. Resist the urge to constantly move around or change tactics. Stay patient, keep an eye on the water. Although, if you can see carp active in a free peg then moving can help. The key here is learning when the hold your nerve and when to move. 

3. Baiting Magic: Match the Hatch

Choosing the right bait is like casting a magical spell to entice the carp. To truly connect with these magnificent fish, you need to match the hatch. Pay attention to the natural food sources available in the water you’re fishing. Whether it’s boilies, pellets, sweetcorn, or a combination, mimic the carp’s preferred food to increase your chances of success. 

Top tip – Try naturally flavoured baits like CC Moores bloodworm range, this is my personal favourite bait. 

4. The Rig: Simplicity and Stealth

When it comes to rigging, simplicity and stealth are key. I prefer using a hair rig with a coated braid, allowing me to present the bait in a natural and effective manner. Make sure your rig blends seamlessly with the surroundings, using camouflage materials and concealing any potential line reflections. Carp are clever creatures, and a well-presented rig can make all the difference in fooling them into taking the bait.

Don’t be fooled into thinking you need the latest rig you’ve seen on Instagram! 

5. Seek Solitude, Fish the Remote Pegs

For an adventurous and potentially rewarding carp fishing experience, consider fishing the pegs far away from the car park, away from the crowds. These remote locations often receive less fishing pressure, giving you a higher chance of encountering less wary and more actively feeding carp. Here’s how I make the most of these secluded spots:

  1. Pack Light, Be Prepared: Embrace the spirit of exploration by packing only the essentials. Take a lightweight tackle bag or backpack with just the necessary gear.

  2. Scout the Pegs: Prior to your fishing trip, research the venue and map out the remote pegs. Look for those tucked away from the popular areas or with a long walk from the car park. Study the water features, such as islands, weed beds, or marginal cover, which can attract carp seeking refuge and food.

See All My fishing Tips
